
Member Since: 3/21/2004
Total Mixes: 19
Total Feedback: 15

SolidState's Mixes

SolidState's Favorite Mixes

SolidState's Mixes

CD | Theme
These tracks would make up a couple kick ass cds that could be called the quintessential 80's mix. We've got snyth, hair bands, soft sappy rock ballads, and a few songs that make no sense whatsoever, b …
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
I tried to keep this to songs from the beginning of highschool and earlier. Thats when I actually listened to a decent amount of hip hop. I still do a little, but I appreciate artist that play their ow …
MP3 Playlist | Theme
This is mostly for fun here. This is the anti romance romance mix. This is what NOT to play when romance and chivalry are tops on your list. Some of these songs could sound sexy, most could get you sla …
CD | Theme
And that's all she wrote. These CDs could be about the most random mixes I have ever made around one theme. I'm pretty proud of that actually. And ending with Tom Waits - Martha. One of my top 10 favor …
CD | Theme
Here we go with number 3. Just one more to post. I got a little crazy tonight with the CD burner. It happens. This one is pretty much like the first two and will be like the fourth as well. Wouldn't wa …
CD | Theme
Here's the second installment of A Certain Level of Chill. As I did these CDs I felt a strange need to add generic cliche things like Sweet Dreams. Oh well. Them's the breaks I guess. If anyone enjoys  …
CD | Theme
This is volume 1 of A Certain Level Of Chill. It's, well, in a word......eclectic. The next three volumes are just as much if not more so. I couldn't decide to call this one Mixed Genre or Theme. I set …
Cassette | Theme - Cover Songs
Just a quick list of some interesting covers i've seen in concert. I know there's more but my head hurts right now. Don't wanna think, just make mixes.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Most of these songs, all of the high energy variety, have the ability to slightly alter moods. The happy get a little happier with some of em. The mad get madder with others. But overall the tracks wer …