andrew winn

Member Since: 9/4/2001
Total Mixes: 19
Total Feedback: 4

andrew winn's Mixes

andrew winn's Favorite Mixes

andrew winn's Mixes

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
I wavered a lot about putting a nine minute song as the fourth song. But the more I listened to it, the more I felt it really fit there. This became a much loved addition to the series. I graduated fro …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
umm my friend katy may have just ended her up and down 3 year relationship with my other friend rick. i'll take any excuse to make a mix. this cd supplements my promised burn of "the places you've come …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Enrique is a total guilty pleasure. Another mix for my sister, who has completely gone country. Rock still has so much to offer...
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Why South Bend - the town where I'm located (well, close enough -- I go to Notre Dame) Why Songs from.. -- I'm sending them to my musically ignorant sister. 24 and married, she likes country after list …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
I make these mixes for my sister, who has musically ignorant for two reasons. 1) She does not have my curiousity to listen to new music unless I send it to her 2) she's turned to the dark side and like …
CD | Single Artist
These mixes are made for my sister, who is musically ignorant. It also celebrates my first Wilco concert last Saturday in Chicago. The title of the mix comes from my location, South Bend, Indiana (@ th …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
I make these mixes for my sister, who doesn't listen to any good music. They serve as an "introduction" to the good stuff that no one listens to. The title of the mixes come from my location (Universit …
CD | Pop
Every month I send a mix to my sister, whom I have deemed to be musically deficient. This is soon to be 11th mix, to be pressed October 2001. A lot of JLT needs to be introduced and since she's gotten  …
CD | Pop
Every month, I send a mix to my sister, whom I believe to be musically deficient. This is the 9th incarnation of this mix, named after the town in which I go to school. And I don't care what anyone say …