
Member Since: 3/31/2004
Total Mixes: 19
Total Feedback: 14

negativtime's Mixes

negativtime's Favorite Mixes

negativtime's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
For Seth, July 2006. Disc 2 of 2.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
For Seth, July 2006. Disc 1 of 2.
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Narrative
19th installment in my Songs Of The Week/Snapshot series.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a living record of the music that i was listening to in Summer of 2000. Horse!
Cassette | Mixed Genre
compilation of songs that ruled my world, spanning Fall, Winter and Spring: 1999-2000.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
circa Summer 1999. the idea, as i remember, was to compile songs that were mellow and somber but not necessarily dismal or morose. a well-loved mixtape for many years.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
created after I got this idea that it would be fun to make a mix-tape for each season of each year, to keep a racord of the songs that were important to me in that 3 month period. this was the result,  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
ahh, ok here's the deal. The tape started out as a two-sided mix I made in 1992 when I was 12. apparently, sometimes in '94 i redid side A only, why? i can't remember. at any rate, this is the second-o …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i think this tape was originally a gift for a friend named Liz, but it fell back into my clutches somehow and became a record of the music I was listening to Summer 1998. the title was just supposed to …
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