
Member Since: 4/3/2004
Total Mixes: 29
Total Feedback: 12

wallyworld17's Mixes

wallyworld17's Favorite Mixes

wallyworld17's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
It's summertime and the livin is easy. Life Is Sweet.
CD | Mixed Genre
I think I'll just leave this on the doorstep, ring the doorbell and just run.
CD | Mixed Genre
This covers quite a few genres over a number of years. Johnny Cash is in there twice. I couldn't bear to take out either number.
CD | Mixed Genre
Some newer songs mixed with some favorites from the archives. Also, some odd covers. Scotland and Canada well represented here. The whole effect might make people question your state of mind.
CD | Theme
Be wary of these sirens. These voices can be very distracting, even hypnoootiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
CD | Mixed Genre
There's nothing whatsoever that binds these songs in any way. Except that they all make me feel something; they make me laugh, or make me angry, or want to dance, or feel like crying, or they simply ma …
CD | Theme - Depression
Oh, woe is me. I'm the greatest person in the world...you'd have to be a fool not to love me. Everybody should love me; oh screw you all. It's so unfair everything. The world is so unjust...I'll show y …
CD | Theme - Romantic
The blur from the reflection of the candles on the almost empty wine glasses. The look of your lover's eyes. Desire...hard to resist...
CD | Theme
I grew up many years ago in Reno, Nevada and although I haven't been back in years, I've always taken note when it's mentioned in a song. Jerry Garcia set out from there, Johnny Cash killed a man there …
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