
Member Since: 10/7/2001
Total Mixes: 46
Total Feedback: 23

CourtneyLoveHewitt's Mixes

CourtneyLoveHewitt's Favorite Mixes

CourtneyLoveHewitt's Mixes

CD | Theme
The first theme in our monthly CD swapping venture...Kate and I alternate coming up with a theme each month and then send each other our results at the end of the month. Fun way to keep in touch and in …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is actually a mix that has been made FOR Courtney as she moves from one city to the next by her friends. A few of the songs are there purely for the sound (eg Train in Vain-- I had forgotten most  …
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
not all hip hop but close enough to it...sometimes a girl just needs a mix to shake her ass to.
CD | Theme
tunes to crank on my cd player while i'm walking around by myself...probably part of the reason why people say i look like a bitch when i'm out in public...hahaha.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
My triumphant closing volume should be playing just as I pull into my new place...I'm not sure exactly what the next 365 days are going to hold but I sure am excited to get started.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
"today is the greatest day i have ever known..."
CD | Theme - Road Trip
"I been hanginaround this old town too long..."
CD | Theme - Road Trip
A song collection to accompany me on the biggest move of my wasn't an easy decision to make but I decided to leave security to pursue my career as a performer and artist and to do it full-for …
CD | Theme
Made as a "see you later" gift for my best friend who has either lived with me or next door to me for almost 3 years. I'm moving 5 hours away and I wanted to leave her with something that would express …
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