badly drawn girl

Member Since: 10/8/2001
Total Mixes: 46
Total Feedback: 43

hell in a handbasket
the vaults of erowid

badly drawn girl's Mixes

badly drawn girl's Favorite Mixes

badly drawn girl's Mixes

Cassette | Pop
12 years old: my very first mix, circa 1995. hey, we were all kids once. (hence the title, from the memorable film of the same year.)
CD | Theme - Road Trip
so rockin it'll make your teeth hurt. a mix for driving up to NY with my boyfriend...on march 14th we will finally be together, soon to move in to our own apartment, free after months of chaos and long …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
title from the MBV song. made during the 9-month-long nervous breakdown that was my fucked up junior year in high school, possibly the most patently unbearable period of my life. thank god i had weird  …
CD | Theme - Romantic
i think you can guess the subject of this mix.
CD | Mixed Genre
passionate, laid-back, hard 'n soft. just like comfort food, only without the calories.
Cassette | Single Artist
a tape made for both me and my boyfriend to enjoy the collected gems (plus our two favorite APC tracks) of maynard and company. makes for good nighttime driving music.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a mix to celebrate my days in NYC thus far. the title comes from a night when a friend of mine and i were wandering around on LSD. after every statement he made i would reply, "that's such an acid thin …
Cassette | Theme - Romantic
title is from the cardigans song. sort of a combination rainy-day tape and something to listen to in the car.
Cassette | Theme
haven't done a mix in a while, but i thought this was an appropriate time. i moved to new york city this august and had the unique experience of watching the south tower crumble to the ground from wher …
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