john widdop

Member Since: 4/29/2004
Total Mixes: 135
Total Feedback: 34

john widdop's Mixes

john widdop's Favorite Mixes

john widdop's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
This mix was made fifteen days ago. I had the evening and the house to myself, so I borrowed Mark's playstation and crashed cars on it, with a kettle, a stereo, a pizza and a litle of Lilt and junked o …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A self explanatory title. I have a week off work, and it starts right here, and this is the soundtrack. There are a few songs from particular non-events in my life in the last few weeks. The Bird York  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Tape 121 was compiled and recorded on friday 3rd March 2006, having just watched the film 'Primer' for the third time. I still don't understand the bit with the car alarm and Thomas Granger. Today has  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This tape, which I started compiling on Tuesday (14/02) and finished today (17/02) was originally going to be (teniously) linked on the theme of OCD, as I'm fascinated by an ongoing storyline in 'Holly …
Cassette | Reggae
As with most mixes i've made with the word "home" in the title, this was made in my home town of winchester. I had a week off work, and took a few days out to lounge around at my parents house watching …
Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
As with most mixes i've made with the word "home" in the title, this was made in my home town of winchester. I had a week off work, and took a few days out to lounge around at my parents house watching …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This tape was made, rather selfishly, to celebrate my own birthday, which is tomorrow. i'm intending to go to Bristol, buy some records, and see Panic! at the Disco, before returning to Cardiff to get  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Anyway, I decided I'd spend my free time this year writing a novel, mainly so that if anyone asks what i'm doing with my life, i can say "i'm writing a book", and secondly to get a chunk of unsafe mumb …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A nice and uneven start to the year. The latter half of 2005 needed some escaping from, to be honest. I don't remember much of my new years, I hope everyone elses was alright. Incidentally, I really ha …
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