
Member Since: 10/15/2001
Total Mixes: 28
Total Feedback: 155

joatmon's Mixes

joatmon's Favorite Mixes

joatmon's Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
one of my favourites during highschool and beyond, sonic youth were an innovative and explosive band that could just as easily make the most dangerous song as the sexiest. i kinda stopped listening aft …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is hands down the best tape that anyone has made for me. my friend cam gave me this in exchange for a tape of stuff that i was listening to at the time (i got the better and more interesting end o …
Cassette | Theme - Narrative
my attempt at an autobiographical tape. this spans grade 7 to my final year of high school. truth be known it all started with corey hart's 'boy in the box'. the following summer my ear was glued to my …
Cassette | Single Artist
so many great songs, so little time. one of my all-time faves as much for their comaradery as for their incredible songs, which were often shorter than the time it takes to say their titles.
Cassette | Theme
i am really pleased with how this tape turned out. side A is a relaxing listen that gets darker song by song culminating in the 'explosions in the sky' tune (they are a must see for anyone interested i …
Cassette | Single Artist
the best canadian band ever. i know that i'll catch some flack from fans of the hip and sloan (i was actually going to make a dig at sloan with the tape title, but decided not to start a war), but i st …
Cassette | Theme
a bunch of great songs that may get passed over on mixes due to their longevity. it's hard to slip an epic track on to a tape when yr trying to jam as many two to three minute gems on as possible. all  …
Cassette | Theme - Narrative
a moody mix of some of my all time faves. themes range from bliss to heartbreak with plenty of pitstops in between.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this tape is mostly stuff that i've bought in the past year or so. looking at it know, it's creation was influenced by the night victoreatworld and i took simseema to guelph to see the weakerthans. lot …
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