james z

Member Since: 11/20/2001
Total Mixes: 119
Total Feedback: 11

james z's Mixes

james z's Favorite Mixes

james z's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is what happens to me when i'm alone for a saturday afternoon.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i have a friend who traded in a tape for something new. i guess she likes my mixes, but she'd like to update it. i revamped what was on the last one and threw this on the old tape. she'd better like it …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i had a lot of mp3s that belong on a tape in my car. that's what i did today. my stereo is all crazy, so it didn't come out the first time. i think it's better now that i ran it through again.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is the first tape i've made this semester. it's just a collection of things i've recently picked up and wanted to listen to in my car. the version of "yoshimi battles the pink robots" is live on K …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this was a late night tape, which was shoddily thrown together. but hey, it'll be fun to listen to in the car.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
so the name of the tape comes from a phrase that chris dahlen of pitchfork said in his review of 'minority report.' and taking it out of context is just great. the actual songs on this tape are just tu …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
it was my friend's birthday last week and she didn't want a gift, but i feel guilty not giving something. so i sent this tape.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i've got a long trip tomorrow and the tapes in my car are starting to bore me. this is basically a collection of what i've got since i made the last random mixtape.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i don't know how i feel about the order on side 2, especially. but it's the quality that matters really.