james z

Member Since: 11/20/2001
Total Mixes: 119
Total Feedback: 11

james z's Mixes

james z's Favorite Mixes

james z's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
for this radio show, i played west coast bands for the first hour - south to north. and the second hour was east coast, from DC to Boston. pretty good times...
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is my radio show for 6 feb. every week is a theme and this week's was non-US bands. i tried to mix it up a bit cause the faculty advisor likes it and he's always hanging out. but i liked this show …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i haven't really been pleased with my tapes lately, but this one just seemed to work. i like the way it sounds, with the exception of the Glands and Real Kids being switched (because winamp was on shuf …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
up until the raymond scott tune, it's all music i bought from about '93 til '96. i needed something from the old school for my car. and the rest is just music that i've put off getting on a tape.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
so these aren't the best songs from 2001, but they're the ones that i've probably listened to the most throughout this year. some of it just doesn't make sense (like tenacious d following nick cave) th …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is my show from last week. seems pretty random, but where it gets real random is where i took a break and babbled. the featured band of the week was the Hives. i saw them in philly a few weeks ago …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
now this one is completely random. i have no justification for putting the ejectes next to the strokes, or following saian supa crew with skapara.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is pretty random. i just needed a new tape for my car.