audrey a

Member Since: 7/1/2004
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 8

audrey a's Mixes

audrey a's Favorite Mixes

audrey a's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
A mix that means a lot to me, but that I don't have. At the moment it's the CD of my dreams, but alas it doesn't exist.
CD | Mixed Genre
This is exactly what it says it is, a desperate collection of songs that slink into the depths of heartache and then slowly try and resolve themselves so you can feel like you're not actually dead insi …
CD | World
The second half to my first French mix. Not everyone on it is French. The title comes from the first track.
CD | World
My first French tape, all songs I feel very close to (especially the Noir DTsir and Michel Fugain), and the Plastic Bertrand always makes me laugh.
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is the result of a bout of hypochondria and my fondness for a man I haven't seen in months, and may never see again.