Scott K

Member Since: 12/18/2001
Total Mixes: 69
Total Feedback: 676

Scott K's Mixes

Scott K's Favorite Mixes

Scott K's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
I dug this out of a plastic bag last night. Mmmm... Title from the S&G song, btw.
Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
August 23, 1987. Mix made w/my friend Mike, AKA Squigmond, at his father's house. He picked first. Squiggy, where are you!?!
Cassette | Theme
As if making a Monica Lewinsky and Showgirls mix wasn't bad enough, I actually stooped to making this monstrosity. If you haven't guessed already, it's a musical ode to the couple of the 90's, Pamela a …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another shoebox pick. This one makes my wife's face contort into some very strange positions.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another refugee from the shoebox archives, created around the same time as my previous two mixes.
Cassette | Theme
Made a while ago. I clipped a pic of Elizabeth Berkley licking a steel pole in Showgirls and made a mix around it. Just another example of my perverse sense of humor. I blame it on my father ;-) I don' …
Cassette | Theme
I made this mix a while ago, inspired by the cover photo of the subject taken from People magazine, where they circled her head in red like she was a target. The mix may be in bad taste, but I tend to  …
CD | Mixed Genre
A Co-worker was looking for songs for a sunny day, so I told him about this wacky late sixties disc I had called "60's Rock: Feelin' Groovy" on budget-priced Flashback Records. Instead of just copying  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cover: time-lapse photo of a spinning neon carousel. I started by matching the first and last tracks of each side to the cover, then went from there, so it's not really a theme mix, but it does have co …
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