Scott K

Member Since: 12/18/2001
Total Mixes: 69
Total Feedback: 676

Scott K's Mixes

Scott K's Favorite Mixes

Scott K's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
An experiment -- I hooked up a portable tape player to my pc and dubbed some songs from cassette to digital. Since most of my collection is on tape, this gives me more options for more mixes! Unfortuna …
CD | Pop
My wife thinks it's funny that I look all over the internet for cd covers...then she saw this pic taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and asked me to put it on a mix for her (no, the words were not flo …
CD | Single Artist
Not a "best of" or even strictly my favorites. Just a mix to relax to on the beach, in the car, bed, shower or wherever the cd player happens to be. I'm indebted to those on the site that have given me …
CD | Theme - Break Up
No, me and my wife didn't split. This mix is for Susan, my ex-boss, sometimes lunch partner and drummer extraodinaire. We started out as co-workers and friends about four years ago, then a departmental …
CD | Mixed Genre
Fictional soundtrack to the non-existant Brazilian version of Tomb Raider. I'm probably off on my Portuguese translation, so any corrections would be appreciated. I started compiling this mix about a m …
Cassette | Single Artist
Mix for friend and co-worker David. Tesla doesn't make it onto too many mixes around here, probably because they were never really a "hair band" and therefore don't have 80's kitsch appeal, and they ha …
CD | Mixed Genre
Mix made with Ion Moe in mind for a possible trade. I'm sure he has some of these songs, but I tried to do my best with my limited cd resources. Of course, whichever mix you choose, Ion, is fine with m …
CD | Mixed Genre
Decapitation alone is not enough to destroy the object(s) of their hatred! 'Nuff said.
CD | Mixed Genre
I've had a lot of aborted cd mixes lately, then I saw this cover and had an epiphany of sorts. Further inspiration from everyone at AOTM who's posted similar mixes...thanks.
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