
Member Since: 12/26/2001
Total Mixes: 39
Total Feedback: 227

first ladies dj collective

kristina1234's Mixes

kristina1234's Favorite Mixes

kristina1234's Mixes

Cassette | Electronic
i made this tape two summers ago in my downtempo/trip hop days when all listened to was portishead, air, and massive attack. i recently rediscovered this mix and decided it needed some sprucing up. i e …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i originally made this two summers ago. this was a total fluke. i don't know what prompted me to put these songs together. i think i just liked the idea of having a make-out mix handy just in case. you …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I'd forgotten all about this mix until a few weeks ago when I was cleaning my room and found it under my bed. I originally made it a few summers ago for a boy who called himself a "professional chill-o …
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