
Member Since: 12/26/2001
Total Mixes: 39
Total Feedback: 227

first ladies dj collective

kristina1234's Mixes

kristina1234's Favorite Mixes

kristina1234's Mixes

Cassette | Hip Hop/Rap
i wanted a tape of some of my favorite hip-hop songs to listen to in the car as an alternative to all the freakin ja rule on the radio.
Cassette | Theme
Don't laugh. Seriously. I wanted to make a food-themed mix. But I had an entire side leftover so I decided to make the other half of the mix a collection of my favorite boybands and poptarts from eleme …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A mix I made for a trade with Ayn. This came out a lot more moody and wistful than I planned. Almost sad in some places. On a side note, I was just handed Lil A Gets Nasty's CD last week at Ladyfest DC …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Yeah, I'm biting everyone else's idea. This mix was so much fun to come up with. I suggest everyone try.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
These are some of my all-time favorites. These are the songs that never fail to cheer me up and sugarcoat my ears when I need it the most. I think I'm going to make some extra copies of this to hand ou …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
My most ambitious effort yet. Apparently, my random acts of mixtape kindness weren't over yet after all. I think I'd like to continue it for a little while longer (or at least until I run out of materi …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is for afternoons spent in pink bathtubs.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I respectfully re-submit the following mixtape. I originally posted an earlier incarnation of this mix a few months ago. But this is the remix. This tape goes to the next issue of my zine Namaste. It's …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I finally went to my first indiepop/britpop dance party last weekend at the Black Cat in DC. I had so much fun I was inspired to go home and make my own mix for the neverending dance party in my head.  …
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