George Jetson12

Member Since: 1/3/2002
Total Mixes: 60
Total Feedback: 36

George Jetson12's Mixes

George Jetson12's Favorite Mixes

George Jetson12's Last Three Mixes Posted

Playlist | Mixed Genre
This started out as a mix tracking the evolution of my tastes since I first started buying records, but I only had eighty minutes, so it changed into a compilation of stuff I've been listening to recen …
CD | Mixed Genre
Loosely organized around a New Orleans theme, since I'm rooting for the Saints in tomorrow's game.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Just something to listen to in the car on my way to work.

George Jetson12's Last Three Favorite Mixes

CD | Single Artist
This looks great! Nice work.
MP3 Playlist | Theme
Shecky, I've gotta party with you, dude!
by Steele
CD | Theme
Just in case I ever turn into a sad bastard myself...

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