George Jetson12

Member Since: 1/3/2002
Total Mixes: 60
Total Feedback: 36

George Jetson12's Mixes

George Jetson12's Favorite Mixes

George Jetson12's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Some groovy driving music for my friend Tracy, who spends a lot of time in her car...
CD | Theme
More or less a baggy retrospective...good to keep my energy levels up in the run to finals.
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix started out as a collection of the recent so-called "rock revival," but as always, it mutated while I assembled the track listing. Dunno what kind of mix it's meant to be, honestly, but it sui …
CD | Single Artist
At long last, here's a "Best of" compilation from one of my favorite - and most criminally overlooked - bands. This includes a variety of tracks from all three of their albums and various B-sides, incl …
CD | Jazz
Here's number 4 in my Vocal Jazz series...I'm starting to run out of raw material, though, so it will almost certainly be the last volume for a while. Enjoy! Dave
CD | Electronic
Here's a companion piece to Tripping Out v. 2.0, a Hed Kandi- and Cafe del Mar-inspired set of chill-out techno. Perfect for sitting on the beach (or in my case, hanging out on my friend Dan's deck ove …
CD | Mixed Genre
I'm back in the saddle again, after a summer in Boston and several job interviews (ugh). I can't wait to listen to some of the new music I bought over the last few months, and I'm looking forward to do …
CD | Mixed Genre
It turns out the son of my Property professor is the lead guitarist in Saves The Day...weird.
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