George Jetson12

Member Since: 1/3/2002
Total Mixes: 60
Total Feedback: 36

George Jetson12's Mixes

George Jetson12's Favorite Mixes

George Jetson12's Mixes

CD | Hip Hop/Rap
some low key hip hop i've been listening to lately...
CD | Mixed Genre
No special theme here...just a groovy mix to get me through some long hours in the library.
CD | Mixed Genre
I'm not sure what prompted this mix, other than procrastination, since I'm supposed to be working on my note for the Law Review. I was going for interesting contrasts, like Britney Spears with Buck 65, …
CD | Jazz
Volume 6 in a continuing series of vocal jazz compilations. Thanks to all who provided know who you are, even if I can't always remember!
CD | Mixed Genre
No particular theme, just a mix to enjoy while curled up with a good book on a cloudy, snowy winter's day.
CD | Mixed Genre
Self-explanatory motivation for this mix...there is some overlap with my other recent submissions, which really just reflects a lack on inspiration on my part.
CD | Pop
Yet another road trippin' mix. I've got a request for all you dedicated AOTM trainspotters. I'd like to put together a mix of funny, bitter and cynical relationship-oriented songs, but I'm running shor …
CD | Single Artist
A mix from one of my favorite bands. Why they're not hugely popular outside of Sweden and parts of the UK remains a mystery. This includes tracks from all but their first CD through their most recent r …
CD | Mixed Genre
No grand unifying theme here, just a collection of tracks for singing along with in the car as I road trip from Ithaca to Kentucky, Washington, DC, Philadelphia and back over this holiday season.
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