
Member Since: 1/4/2002
Total Mixes: 23
Total Feedback: 1173

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SwankQueen's Mixes

SwankQueen's Favorite Mixes

SwankQueen's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Mixed Genre
A reflective mix about a return to my roots, both musically and geographically (with a thread about conflict, both personal and global). I recently moved to the neighborhood my extended family had occu …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Two-disc "for-the-hell-of-it" mix, a sort of housewarming present to myself after moving back to the city (hence the obnoxiously good Fear track) from the suburbs. Barry Truax is not related to Thomas  …
CD | Theme
What the little girls don't know, the backdoor men understand... For Laurie, who likes it that way! The Plugz tune is an homage to Greg Dark, one of my favorite filmmakers of any genre, who used it in  …

SwankQueen's Last Three Favorite Mixes

CD | Theme - Romantic
The best romantic mix in the universe. Possibly the best mix Rob Conroy has ever made.
CD | Theme - Romantic
The best romantic mix in the universe. Possibly the best mix Rob Conroy has ever made.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
God, I want this!

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