
Member Since: 1/9/2002
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 5

tk's Mixes

tk's Favorite Mixes

tk's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
i put this mix together at 2 am, a few hours before i was to lead a spelunking trip to ape cave. we listened to it the whole drive there and the whole drive back. the only abrupt transition was from su …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
A soundtrack for riding the T
CD | Theme - Narrative
I was getting to know this boy at school and as part of the process, we traded MP3s over the network. I decided to compile the songs onto the CD, as a physical memento of the process. The (1)s and (2)s …
CD | Mixed Genre
lol. i can't decide if this is okay or not. i feel like i must have transgressed some rule about mixes with this one.