Bus Man

Member Since: 1/12/2002
Total Mixes: 2
Total Feedback: 8

College Music Journal http://www.cmj.com
9:30 Club, Washington, D.C. http://www.930.com

Bus Man's Mixes

Bus Man's Favorite Mixes

Bus Man's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
A trip to Richmond on October 17, 2002. Taking a bus down to get some repairs, and need some rocking tunes to get me there, and some sweet melodies to play for my boss on the way back. 100 minutes.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
90 minute tape. Designed to show my affinity for both rocking and rolling. An enjoyable mix for my girl Kelly, and for driving a bus, which I do. I made a tape cover for it, which follows.