
Member Since: 11/7/2004
Total Mixes: 9
Total Feedback: 4

blackholeSleep's Mixes

blackholeSleep's Favorite Mixes

blackholeSleep's Mixes

CD | Theme - Romantic
for my boyfriend, who lives 437 miles away from me. (cover image originally from an Adbusters calendar.)
CD | Theme
wintertime for me is not so much depressing, but strangely calm. kind of an internal pulling-away from the world while i evaluate the past. (the cover image is from a photo originally found on Zoe Trop …
Cassette | Theme
Conceptualized by my boyfriend & I during a road trip to Chicago. Cover art is part of a postcard by Kathleen Lolley.
CD | Mixed Genre
A mass-produced mix I created for a handful of far-off friends as an example of what the hell I've been listening to lately. Each unlabelled cd and xeroxed tracklist was placed in a plastic ziploc bag  …
CD | Mixed Genre
I threw continuity out the window due to space constraints, but this is my alphabet mix. (ziggy cn is me and an acoustic guitar, but only because I have no music by another z!...*blushes furiously*)
CD | Mixed Genre
(cover photo originally by hex angel
CD | Mixed Genre
the songs are loosely based on the sight of a beautiful blue-tinted imaginary girl on the subway, the girl you see out of the corner of your eye...the flow works mostly with the beats, regardless of so …
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Dance - Techno