Mixed Genre
This is one of the many of the mix tapes that I made for my eventual soon to be ex-wife. I just happened to think this one was too good to let her keep so I stole it back. You must remember that this w …
Mixed Genre
Another tape that I made for myself back in around '90-'91 (I didn't date it like I normally do.). It sort of frightening see songs from way back in the day that I'm still using to this day. I guess it …
Electronic - Industrial
This is a tape that I made for myself way back on the dates of 4/26-27/90. It's mostly "Industrial" with a "Punk" bent to it. It was a tape to get drunk, stoned and aggressive to while riding around wi …
Mixed Genre
OK, here it is the latest installment from Frankleigh Sevier Cd's, Records & Tapes. I have been accused of being a trifle oppressive and dark on my mixes, so I tried to be a bit more whimsical on this …
Mixed Genre
Well, here it is. This was made for a friend of mind whom happens to be a music major at UNCG. She's told me the only concerts that she has been too are Alabama, Foreigner, 311 & Phish (3X's)! I felt t …
Theme - Depression
This is a mix that was inspired by The Flaming Lips song "Bad Days" without using that song. Every song on here is about something bad happening, getting beat by police, loneliness, depression, suicide …
Mixed Genre
I think the title says it all, songs about Knives or psychosis. Yes there are some things you might feel are missing (like Confessions of a Knife, but there are reason some things are left off. What do …
Alternative - Punk
This is an oldie but a goodie! This was recorded Feb. 20, 1994 for a Hickory Homie back in the day named Drew (You Fat Fuck! LOL). I just found it in my tape collection, why I have it instead of him is …
Mixed Genre
Yes, I know this is Bauhaus heavy! It was made for a friend who wanted an introduction to eighty's style death rock; for she is going to see Bauhaus opening up for NIN (So am I, But that is beside the …