
Member Since: 2/20/2002
Total Mixes: 131
Total Feedback: 1344

buglady's Mixes

buglady's Favorite Mixes

buglady's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
My first mix in a long while. This being winter, and the rainy season here in upper California, I find myself listening to sadder tunes. Although this mix starts off strong and quirky, it gets a bit wi …
CD | Singer/Songwriter
A foray into acoustic/folk/singer-songwriter type music. Lots of acoustic guitar, some piano and even a little cello. I have a feeling this is going to be another good train mix. Thanks to P the Swede  …
CD | Classical
More train music. This one is the perfect soundtrack for the ride, whether it's early in the morning, with the sun rising and the fog clinging to the marshes, or later when it's dark, and the mysteriou …
CD | Jazz
I've been sitting on a train for 3 hours each day lately commuting to my new job. I've also been trying to study for my subject test for the GREs. I've been listening to music, but discovered I don't s …
CD | Mixed Genre
We're driving up to see Gary's parents today, and we're bringing his kids along with us. I made this mix to hopefully entertain everyone on the long drive up to the wine country. Happy Thanksgiving eve …
CD | Theme
30. Sounds of Terror- The Curse of the Werewolf 31. Creedence Clearwater Revival- Bad Moon Rising 32. Southern Culture on the Skids- Werewolf. Yet another Halloween mix... =) Thanks to Joey de Vivre fo …
CD | Theme
Halloween is coming, so I've assembled a few sociopaths and potentially dangerous oddballs to celebrate the season.
CD | Theme
Lot's of beautiful babies to go around. =)
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for Sport. I hope this mix will cheer him up, or at least distract him from his troubles.
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