p the swede

Member Since: 2/27/2002
Total Mixes: 242
Total Feedback: 6570

p the swede's Mixes

p the swede's Favorite Mixes

p the swede's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
there's a new Bowie album "Heathen" out soon, it's pretty OK but never like those old days.
CD | Single Artist
One of my fav artist through all years, esp his 70's are splendid.
Cassette | Blues - Classic Blues
some tapes that i have had in my car for years, a lot of these songs i use to play when i DJing, excellent goodtime music in my ears if you ask
Cassette | Blues - Classic Blues
Q; which Velvet song is stolen from M Gaye Hitchhike ?
CD | Single Artist
ok this is not the best of Van Morrison or the some obscure mix, it's just the songs that i want to have on a mix CD with me to my house in the country this weekend
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
a collection of songs i've been looking for a long time and some stuff i just want to hear again, sweet soul, little disco and most of all lovely grooves to hear again and again
CD | Mixed Genre
same deal as my earlier sad mixes,, but this time a little ;-) "altcountryish" touch on it
CD | Theme
a few months ago i made a 1979 mix and i gave it to a couple of younger friends and now they coming back for more, so made this one including songs we use to listening to back then, most of them i thin …
CD | Single Artist
this is for my friend mike pike, who received a jam compilation from Rob Conroy the other day, and The Jam use to be my favourite band so i think it wasn't enough with one CD (actually you need at leas …
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