geek rock

Member Since: 3/3/2002
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 38

mark everclear dot com

geek rock's Mixes

geek rock's Favorite Mixes

geek rock's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
a CD i made for a friend from work who is leaving to travel the world. just a general introduction to the music i listen to, really.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
a CD for driving my girlfriend home from the airport, the last time she visited me. (I'm in the UK, she's in California.) No "theme" as such.. just a collection of songs that remind me of her, and of t …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
my wonderful girlfriend Cheryl made this so we could listen to it when I drove us home from a friend's one weekend. the title is from the Phantom Planet song. made with iTunes :)
CD | Theme - Romantic
I made this for my girlfriend Cheryl. <3