
Member Since: 1/17/2005
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 8

Munkeys's Mixes

Munkeys's Favorite Mixes

Munkeys's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Pop
Memories conjured by these (mostly) 80's gems. Don't You Forget About Me - watching the classic "Breakfast Club" ad nauseam (Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?). Hot In the City - watc …
CD | Pop
Several of these "artists" are highly questionable and uncool, however this mix never fails to lighten my soul and deliver the summer vibe.
CD | Mixed Genre
This was thrown together (obviously) about half an hour before guests arrived on New Year's Eve '03. They are mostly songs that inspire people to perform ridiculous dance moves or impromptu karaoke aft …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
This started out as a road trip CD, however it turned out to be a winner at a pre-Christmas drinking session one night and resulted in people slamming and shouting elatedly in the loungeroom from track …
CD | Theme - Romantic