lux ecat

Member Since: 1/23/2005
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 7

lux ecat's Mixes

lux ecat's Favorite Mixes

lux ecat's Mixes

CD | Theme
I made this mix for 3 friends as a gift for Easter/Springtime. I wanted to put more Alice in Wonderland sound clips/songs, but I could only find a few on the internet.
CD | Mixed Genre
I was sad, what can I say. I wanted to put a collection of music that won't cure loneliness but make you feel as if you're not the only one going through it.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
I made this mix for my friend yesterday. It was 15 degrees out and 10 inches of snow on the ground and I needed to remind myself of the summer. A lot of these songs were listened to while driving to th …