
Member Since: 1/28/2005
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 7

figothecat's Mixes

figothecat's Favorite Mixes

figothecat's Mixes

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
this is my favorite mix to date, i think... I fucking love the books.. the sufjan song makes my stomach quiver. everything else is just filler.
CD | Theme
i'm very fond of the punchline. enya into anal cunt :D enjoy.
CD | Theme
heh the nine inch nails selection works based on lyrics.. its also my favorite version of the song (everything's blue in this world -- the deepest shade of mushroom blue) plus, i can only imagine this  …
CD | Mixed Genre
the mix is about 30 minutes long for convenience (or because of A.D.D.) Granted, its pretty simple.. Sometimes I want simple.
CD | Theme - Romantic
best with incense, night, and an empty head.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
I made this mix to wake up to.. its not overly coherant or thematic.. But it does the trick. (picture is my cat lying in a sunbeam)
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
hehe.. its a little random. that's cool, though - right?