captain obvious

Member Since: 3/13/2002
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 2

captain obvious's Mixes

captain obvious's Favorite Mixes

captain obvious's Mixes

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
an attempt at something a little more upbeat. title from the wolfie song.
CD | Theme
this was made with callie (, therefore it maybe should have been placed in the alternating dj category. curiously, all the songs seem to include people's names.
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
for my recently-turned-sixteen year-old brother, and i have no idea if he'll like any of this. it took me way too long to make, and since i'm not in the habit of pushing music on him, i imagine he'll t …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
this isn't exactly exceptional, but i'd like to think it's time better spent than if i had actually been studying. title from okkervil river.