
Member Since: 2/13/2005
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 6

tenaciously's Mixes

tenaciously's Favorite Mixes

tenaciously's Mixes

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
...is when it hits you feel no pain.
CD | Theme
right now im in the process of going through the process of selecting and applying to colleges, and i had the brilliant idea of making a mix of songs that referenced different schools. then i realized  …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
good mix of tunes with some classics to open and close it...especially good listening for nighttime driving (now that i've got my license)
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
i put this together pretty quickly for my girlfriend and valentine. not everything is exactly a love song; there is some stuff on it that she likes as well as a couple that i threw on there just for fu …