
Member Since: 3/1/2005
Total Mixes: 34
Total Feedback: 47

slimsisney's Mixes

slimsisney's Favorite Mixes

slimsisney's Mixes

Cassette | Theme
The belated sequel and we all know that sequels are never as good, right? Anyway, I'd argue 'Taxi Driver' is as nightmarish a vision of American life as found in any horror movie, except for perhaps 'D …
Cassette | Theme
Yet another good old-fashioned Halloween mix.
CD | Mixed Genre
A definite 'WTF!' mix. Wanted to put all of "Discreet Music" on a mix and say damn the consequences. So after 30:35 being devoured in one fell swoop, why not ruin it all & have two additional tracks ov …
CD | Mixed Genre
Started out as 'CHEESY EIGHTIES MIX' (quoting a friend) and mutated into something else altogether different, although there are hints of cheese left. Title from Ray Davies.
CD | Mixed Genre
Revisions: Clash, "Joan Crawford" for "Godzilla," Madness, 101ers, and "Baby Bitch" for "Riders on the Storm." Title from the BOC chestnut . . . apologies for not including Kim Carnes' "Bette Davis Eye …
CD | Mixed Genre
Provocative sonic aggression. . . . Title from the Buzzcocks' Troggs cover (a revise of the original lyric).
CD | Mixed Genre
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