
Member Since: 3/24/2002
Total Mixes: 58
Total Feedback: 92

Greetings From The Verge Of Daylight
Butch Walker Dot Com
Bain Mattox Dot Com

Amy*'s Mixes

Amy*'s Favorite Mixes

Amy*'s Mixes

CD | Single Artist
I made this for a friend of mine who'd only heard the JEW songs on 'Bleed American'. She wanted to hear more, so I made her a mix.
CD | Mixed Genre
What a mistake this one was. I made it last May, and the gimmick was I gave a copy to about 13 people, and I put a song on the cd for each person I gave it to (an inside joke, or that reminded me of th …
CD | Mixed Genre
Title is a quote by Andy Warhol. This mix is a slightly all over the place. No real theme or purpose--just something to listen to while driving to school in the mornings. One rule I applied to myself-- …
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this for my friend Lindsey, who leaves tomorrow for her freshman year of college at the lovely University of Georgia. Some of the songs reflect the theme...some don't.
CD | Mixed Genre
A welcome home mix of sorts for my friend Ashleigh who's been away all summer long. Title, of course, from the Josh Joplin song, because she loves Waffle House.
CD | Mixed Genre
I really don't want to make any excuses for any of my mixes. But on here, I do believe that the good songs make up for some of the not-so-good ones.
CD | Mixed Genre
This is mix number five in the series for my friend Jason. The song by Spiritualized is so amazing to me right now. The title was just the first Spanish phrase that popped into my head.
CD | Mixed Genre
It's a summer mix. Songs were just chosen based on how fun they would be to listen to in the car with the windows down in the blaring heat. The title comes from the Saves The Day song, of course.
CD | Mixed Genre
A little mix I made for myself as a reward for finally going out and buying more blank cds. Just a bunch of songs I've been listening to a lot lately. They always sound different in the car than on the …
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