
Member Since: 3/24/2002
Total Mixes: 58
Total Feedback: 92

Greetings From The Verge Of Daylight
Butch Walker Dot Com
Bain Mattox Dot Com

Amy*'s Mixes

Amy*'s Favorite Mixes

Amy*'s Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
For a boy. Originally the idea was to introduce him to some music that I love but he doesn't know, but then I realized that we listen to all the same stuff. Really, it's uncanny. So I just went with so …
CD | Mixed Genre
For Miguel, whom I've never actually met before. There are a lot of local Atlanta bands on this; at least, more than usual. I'm not too unhappy with the way this one turned out.
CD | Mixed Genre
Yet another mix for Ashleigh. All my mixes sound exactly the same! I should work on this.
CD | Mixed Genre
For Mindy: I offered and she requested. Title comes from the Bain Mattox song.
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for Pennington during a fit of man-hating on her part. I usually avoid chick music but it seemed appropriate for this CD. And she understands that the last track fits perfectly, despite the fact t …
CD | Mixed Genre
It's just like everything else I make, and it's for Lindsey. A few of the songs don't seem to fit quite right, but I did the best with what I had.
CD | Mixed Genre
Seventh and probably final mix in a series for a friend. Lots of stuff I've put on other CDs recently, but for good reason. Not positive if I'll ever give it to him or not.
CD | Mixed Genre
Made months ago for a friend who tends to favor country and mainstream alternative more than most. It's a lot like all of my other mixes but it's all I could do.
CD | Mixed Genre
If you have any doubts as to whether one song or another fits on this mix, don't. Just trust me. They fit.
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