P. Nutty

Member Since: 4/14/2002
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 0

P. Nutty's Mixes

P. Nutty's Favorite Mixes

P. Nutty's Mixes

Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
This is part 2. Again, same kinda mix. Songs about driving, or sound good to drive to, songs that seem uniquely Californian. Rich made it to LA in one piece, so i guess these tapes did their job...
Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
Since Rich would be driving across the country to settle down in a new city (hint: it's a really big city in southern california), i'd figure he'd need a fresh tape or two. This is part one. I was tryi …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This was (part of) an X-Mas gift to my brother's fiancee. Of course, a tuxedoed Jim Nabors adorned the cover. It was tough to let go of this one. By the way, if anyone knows who the hell sings that spa …