
Member Since: 4/27/2002
Total Mixes: 71
Total Feedback: 107

ineedaneditor's Mixes

ineedaneditor's Favorite Mixes

ineedaneditor's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
given to 2 friends on the occasion of... christmas.
CD | Mixed Genre
getting mp3s off the computer.
CD | Theme - Romantic
made for my friend and his girlfriend. i cannot be blamed for the monstrosity that is "my heart will go on".. it was his specific request.
CD | Theme
what can i say? i'm a theatre fag. i'm going to state theatre conferences next week and threw together a mix of some of my favorite songs from musicals.
CD | Mixed Genre
i just want to lay like a dead animal on the couch and my father is making me go antiquing with him. lord, spare me the agony.
CD | Mixed Genre
i have my first semi-major role in a high school production right now. last night was opening night, and it went tremendous. but this week was what's known to all high school theatre participants as "t …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
for my friend lindsay whom i love dearly, but listens to way too much of what i classify as "pussy rock" (leaders of this genre include david gray, john mayer, and vanessa carlton). she likes nirvana a …
CD | Mixed Genre
repayment for my bud kara -- she burned the new david gray cd for me. title is from something she said about her chemistry test during performing arts the other day..
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