
Member Since: 5/2/2002
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 2

DinoBusMan's Mixes

DinoBusMan's Favorite Mixes

DinoBusMan's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Part 2 of the mixes for the g/f. some of them are inside jokes, but it's supposed to be for driving. I'm not completely pleased with the order or song selection, but i have to keep in mind that she chi …
CD | Theme - Romantic
This is Disc one of Two (the second, songs for driving, will be done soon) for my girlfriend. She listens to some bad music, so I figured I'd sprinkle in some of her more tolerable lovey type junk, to  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
How meta are you? I play this mix either on a boombox around campus wearing a flat-billed, mesh hat or on my bus. You'll be surprised how many people sing along if you are. It's kinda painful, but it's …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I drive a bus and it gets boring. This two sider (each right on 45 minutes of tape) worked perfectly before I got my iPod.