
Member Since: 5/20/2002
Total Mixes: 31
Total Feedback: 30

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Pushkin_Sanchez's Mixes

Pushkin_Sanchez's Favorite Mixes

Pushkin_Sanchez's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Feeling a little blue, I ain't got the power anymore.
CD | Single Artist
A retropective of some of my Pixies faves for a friend who was not aware of them. A group that has been cited for their influence on many other artists. Unfortunately a lot of that respect has come sin …
CD | Single Artist
A fairly simple, straight forward compilation of a somewhat under-rated Canuck band. Made this up for a co-worker that had only heard a few of their songs but liked what she heard. This compilation wou …
CD | Mixed Genre
Just a collection of tracks by artists that I have discovered by perusing art of the mix. Its so great getting exposed to new music. It sounded pretty good in the car this morning.
CD | Theme
A collection of stuff I have been listening to quite a bit this summer or then again, perhaps there is a government/alien world domination conspiracy theme lurking in the background.
CD | Theme
I don't mean to preach.
CD | Theme
Got an email from an old college buddy the other day and we got talking music. This mix is the result. I thought of several hundred other songs that could have gone on this, that would have captured th …
CD | Theme
19 different versions of Gloomy Sunday, the Hungarian suicide song written by Rezso Seress (music) and Laszlo Javor (lyrics) in 1933. It was known as the suicide song because it allegedly was the inspi …
CD | Mixed Genre
Just a collection of songs I like. A little punk, a little ska, a little....
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