milwaukee bucks

Member Since: 9/7/2005
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 7

milwaukee bucks's Mixes

milwaukee bucks's Favorite Mixes

milwaukee bucks's Mixes

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
did someone say mix of the week?
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
A mix I did for a friend's birthday. Roxy Carmichael, if you're out there, I have your permabound copy of Lord of the Flies.
CD | Electronic - Ambient
If I give you any more ear candy, your ear dentist will kill me.
CD | Mixed Genre
Ideally, Jesus and I would go on a wild fishing trip. We'd listen to this song in Jesus' Nissan the whle time. Awesome.
Cassette | Alternative - Punk
Just a fun mix tape I used to sk8 with in junior high...
CD | Mixed Genre
19 reasons why music is still better than friends. Hope you like it.
CD | Alternative - Punk
Some fun songs to gun 40's with... Some kid stuff mixed with some seriousness, all good!
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
My first crack at making a mix for AOTM... There's some great old soul cuts, let me know what you think!