
Member Since: 9/7/2005
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 4

IngredientX's Mixes

IngredientX's Favorite Mixes

IngredientX's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Theme
As promised, here is the companion mix to I Hate You! Without boring the lot of you with personal details, I've had my share of heartbreak and disappointment in my romantic career (I would hope that it …
CD | Theme
A mix about waiting. Or hiding. Or Not Being There. I'm amazed at how many songs I had to leave off; it's actually a very common theme.
CD | Mixed Genre
I can't really explain this mix. It just seems to work.
CD | Theme
I do have companion mix to this called "I Love You?", but I have to fish it from my wife's car and figure out what I put on it. Until then, we're stuck with 17 tracks about how beautiful it is to give  …
CD | Theme
Here's one I made this summer for all you apocalyptic freaks out there. Please note the tremendous restraint I showed in not including REM's "It's the End of the World As We Know It" or U2's "Until the …
CD | Mixed Genre
Another flagrant violation of the whole "one artist per mix" thing, with a nice symmetry that works in terms of structure and flow. Oh, and the Solaris soundtrack (Soderbergh, not Tarkovsky) is really  …
CD | Mixed Genre
My first uploaded mix, and let's get one thing clear: I hate this whole "one artist per mix" thing. This mix features 12 tracks by 7 artists across 7 albums. And the Tool/A Perfect Circle link is just  …