
Member Since: 9/16/2005
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 5

sadiefreak's Mixes

sadiefreak's Favorite Mixes

sadiefreak's Mixes

CD | Theme - Narrative
Acousticy songs by women about love.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
It's my second year of college and I find myself desperately wanting to get out of here and into the real world. Making mixes helps subdue that urge, a little bit. Nothing real obscure here, sorry abou …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
A mix devoted to my favorite sport in the world - ultimate frisbee! most of my teammates, when making pump-up mixes, tend to go heavy on 80s music and recent radio hits. I tried to make a mix that woul …
CD | Single Artist
More Sleater-Kinney goodness. A couple covers (Tommy Gun, Hunger Strike), a couple unreleased songs (For Corin's Family, Giraffe), a couple early songs with intriguing lyric differences (Burn, Don't Fr …
CD | Single Artist
Sleater-Kinney--live! This is the first part of a two disc set. Although I've loved them for five or six years, I got real obsessed with the ladies this summer what with the new album and seeing them l …
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this for a friend of mine this summer. it's quirky, but I think if someone made this film it'd be awesome.
CD | Single Artist
the early live version I have of Entertain contains this bit of verse: "hey! this is corin, does she entertain? she don't entertain, she don't entertain. she's on stage 'cause she's got something to sa …