mad girl's love song

Member Since: 6/12/2002
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 69

common dreams newswire

mad girl's love song's Mixes

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mad girl's love song's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
more girls. the spice girls song is merely an amusing closer, i assure you. i'm looking for ideas for a third volume, and i've already thought of far too many that i've left out, but any suggestions/gl …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
girl or girl-fronted bands...mostly of the punk persuasion, but a few other kinds thrown in as well. my brother and his friends, who listen wholly to radio hip hop, have deemed it "trash."
Cassette | Theme
i wanted to make something kind of rainy day and slow. most of the songs are pretty mellow, but could be interpreted otherwise.