
Member Since: 7/14/2002
Total Mixes: 14
Total Feedback: 28

false pride records. a coming soon record label
these guys are hella cool.
this is the greatest label.

Brenty's Mixes

Brenty's Favorite Mixes

Brenty's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
at this point I've givin in to the fact that I don't have a lot of cds, or the means to make new cds. but I really like my music that I have. and I've been trying to make a few good mixes out of my pos …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
the cover is a comic by "Horacek". it's a six panel really funny cartoon that has a picture of the main girl staring at a toaster and she says 1st panel: "here I am again- waiting for the toast to pop  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Naturally this is for a girl that I really really like, and i would marry if she asked me, but I would never have the courage to ask her. I can barely even ask her out. anyways. I guess this is a "we m …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
don't you hate when you go to make a normal mixed tape for somebody that you're not really great friends with, and then bam, it's one bad ass mix. that just happened. (the barenaked ladies song starts  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I really like the idea that I had behind this mix, and it came out beautiful. but I am laking so many cds. and I wasn't really in the right frame of mind when making this mix, and I couldn't really con …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
new girl
Cassette | Theme
this is about the billionth tape for my best friend. basically this theme is: "yeah!! go saddle creek records"/ "it's the same bands as every other tape i've skankin' made. lameo. plus there is meaning …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I must say. I'm a poetheed. and the people I hang out with are as well. and we all have different tastes in music. but we all apreciate music in general. all of it. so this is what i came up with for u …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this mix for a co-worker that I had a crush on and she we never talked again afterwards. mixed tapes can be curses I suppse.
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