
Member Since: 7/20/2002
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 7

tribebabe's Mixes

tribebabe's Favorite Mixes

tribebabe's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
I was just getting nostalgic and made my own wacked out greatest hits.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
CD | Mixed Genre
I started this while I was depressed and it kept me going through that time to the good times again. It's forever being worked on though, so an update should be expected.
CD | Single Artist
20 tracks of Foo Fightery goodness. Note that on the actually cd I had to drop one track to fit in Tiny Dancer, so worth it though.
CD | Mixed Genre
Ok I needed to make a mix for school. A little punk, a little rock, a little emo, a little chill. It's not meant to have a flow really, just be good to listen to on the bus and between classes.
CD | Mixed Genre
I was looking to make a calming love mix, but ended up with too many songs, some with to much pep. So I cut it down to the ten I felt best with and am saving the others for a future mix.
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for those days you keep the blinds shut and stare at the ceiling. Not my best work, I kind of lost it towards the end.