
Member Since: 2/16/2006
Total Mixes: 69
Total Feedback: 17

drblt's Mixes

drblt's Favorite Mixes

drblt's Mixes

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Hey Jude is a cover of one of my favorite fab four tunes. It was written by Paul McCartney for Julian Lennon, now a star in his own right, who was just a boy when Paul penned Hey Jude. This is from my  …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
This one's going out to the Crocodile Hunter. Rest in Peace and thanks for your legacy, and for the gift of life you have given to so many animals.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Crocodile Hunter is dedicated to Steve Irwin, who recently lost his life doing what he loved best. Let's Roll was written, recorded and aired prior to Neil Young's song of the same title. The Logical S …
MP3 Playlist | Alternative - Indie Rock
Korn-bred is an indie rock tune that I wrote from my perspective as a psychologist. It will be followed up with a song about Brian "Head" Welch called Tradin' in Korn (For a Krown of Thorns). Check out …
MP3 Playlist | Alternative - Indie Rock
Here's to 100 Highways was inspired by Johnny Cash's latest offering: Cash V: A Hundred Highways.
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Hi, my name is Dr. Bruce L. Thiessen, but I'm better known as Dr. BLT. I've been featured on MTV and aired nationally. My recent hit song, The Black Santa Song peaked at #21 on the mp3 download charts. …
MP3 Playlist | Blues
The first song, Red, White, Rhythm & Blues was co-written and produced by former White House Chaplain and war hero, C. Corbin. It was produced by Gary LaDuke, who also does harmonies along with the ins …
CD | Mixed Genre
Where do we start with answering your questions? That is the biggest question of all. First, we sincerely apologize to all of you who have been so upset over the link to The Immigrant being down, so, t …
MP3 Playlist | Experimental
In the 70s Neil Young came out with a song that offendered some Southerners, a song called Southern man. Southern rock band Lynard Skynard came out with a musical retort that became a big hit. It was c …
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