
Member Since: 2/19/2006
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 2

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Chewie77's Mixes

Chewie77's Favorite Mixes

Chewie77's Mixes

CD | Theme - Narrative
CD version of a one side of a tape I made a couple years ago for an old girlfriend. These 12 songs contain every aspect of our relationship, from beginning to end.
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a tribute to the music my roommate EJ would play. Some stuff I knew (Hendrix, Sublime, Black Keys), some I didn't (Beck, Atmosphere, Big Wu, Super Session). Most of the unknown stuff I really l …
CD | Theme - Break Up
A real pissed off collection of tunes I made about an ex-girlfriend. Enjoy, ha ha.
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Narrative
My entire high school experience in 22 songs, in a rough chronological order corresponding to how I felt/what I was into at the time. I started out punk freshman year - by senior I was a Neil Young/Who …
CD | Theme - Narrative
Ally's a very close friend of mine. We used to go out a lot when I was in high school (she'd graduated when I first met her - I was 16, in the summer before junior year started). We never dated, but we …
CD | Single Artist
I made this principally for driving. The Stones have so many great albums, and I was always torn over which one to play in the car. Now I don't have to. This mix covers my favorite Stones period, from  …
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