
Member Since: 8/10/2002
Total Mixes: 171
Total Feedback: 7

Starpush1's Mixes

Starpush1's Favorite Mixes

Starpush1's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
More self-indulgence and nostalgia. I can honestly say I don't even remember the Maggie's Dream song. Can someone fill me in? :)
CD | Mixed Genre
More songs from the vault of journal entries. Some of these are very embarassing but, in my own defense, it's clear I was in on the pre-grunge explosion (see MLB and TOTD...months before Nirvana and PJ …
CD | Mixed Genre
I found an old journal today. In it, I periodically listed my favorite songs of the moment and/or albums. This comes from the week of 4/22/91. I am laughing as I type this at some of the choices but I  …
CD | Theme - Romantic
I made this for my S.O. because in two weeks she is going to really start hating me and I wanted her to know why. Drop the puck! :)
CD | Single Artist
I made this for a friend who had never heard them before but has totally fallen in love with Rhett Miller's new solo CD. A little history of a great band that swears they will be back...I hope so.
CD | Theme - Romantic
I was gonna label this Mixed Genre but my dumb old romantic impulses always take over and I realized the mix comes down to, as Grand Funk Railroad put it, "the girl I'm talking about".
CD | Single Artist
Pre-success era David Gray stuff. It also has a different sonic texture from what he did on "White Ladder".
CD | Theme - Romantic
"I feel posssed when you come 'round...I'm going to be lonely for the rest of my life, unless you come around...Lonely? I guess that's where I'm from, if I was from Canada I'd be best be called lonesom …
CD | Theme
Once upon a time in the pre-Nirvana era these dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Among their stomping grounds was the Concord Pavilion in Concord, CA which was a short drive from my childhood, suburban home. I …
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