
Member Since: 8/10/2002
Total Mixes: 171
Total Feedback: 7

Starpush1's Mixes

Starpush1's Favorite Mixes

Starpush1's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
I am totally convinced Ben Lee was humming melodies as a zygote. If there is any justice in the world, he will someday have a platinum record.
CD | Theme - Break Up
Note: Emily is a generic name, of course. This could apply to anyone. :)
CD | Theme
It's back to school week and I've been seeing a lot of "send off", "end of summer", etc type mixes posted lately. So here's my little contribution to the class of 2006 (or 2007, or 2008, or however the …
CD | Theme
To the best of my knowledge, all of the above were released to radio as singles. Some of them made a minor splash but, in my opinion, didn't go as far as they should have.
CD | Single Artist
Picking up on the two volumes of Zeppelin-Sex mixes and the hilarious Barry Manilow we go again... :)
CD | Theme
I was recently fortunate enough to get an advanced copy of Rhett Miller's upcoming solo CD (it's good...real good...and I WILL buy it when it comes out) and it got me thinking about solo albums of sing …
CD | Mixed Genre
I've worked in and around public radio for the last ten years (where does the time go?) and this mix is a sampling of stuff I've heard about or heard for the first time either on NPR programs or within …
CD | Theme - Narrative
Just a semi-stupid, TV movie-ish mix based on my own involvement in a "Bizarre Love Triangle". The title is taken from a line in the (amazing) Soul Asylum song. I still owe one party an apology and the …
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
This mix is totally self-serving in the sense that its all about ME...from the very first 45 I ever bought all the way up to my favorite song on my latest favorite disc.