
Member Since: 8/20/2002
Total Mixes: 22
Total Feedback: 2

HEAR! the happy secret of The Candy Butchers.
SEE! Andrew Bird's (beautiful) Bowl of Fire.
DISCOVER! the literate grit of John Vanderslice.

lizkies's Mixes

lizkies's Favorite Mixes

lizkies's Mixes

CD | Theme - Sleep
A third sleep-related mix, with some surprisingly sad inclusions but a generally warmhearted feeling. It's a good picture of the time, including several appropriate songs cut from my wintertime mix. Ti …
CD | Theme
I really like making seasonal mixes and have been intending a wintry one for years. Most of these songs have some content-related reason for being here, but they also all fit into a certain frame of mi …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Holiday-timed mix for my boyfriend, third in a series. Part romantic, part supportive, part funny to me. Title from Ted Leo.
CD | Theme
Again I made my little sister a mix for her (14th) birthday, though this one's much cooler than last year's. She cares very much about learning new music, and these songs work for her life right now, w …
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix of things I've been listening to, to share with a friend with good taste. Title from the Be Good Tanyas.
CD | Theme
I like making seasonal mixes because I tend to associate songs with really specific memories. They also work as a way to have a kicky little outburst and root it in everything that's boiling over the w …
CD | Theme - Sleep
Another sleep mix, of songs that I feel good resting to. It came out very well-balanced and I enjoy listening to it. Title from Neko Case.
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Sequel to last year's, a holiday gift mix of things I wanted my boyfriend to like, inside jokes, and other sorts of things to communicate in music. Title from Archer Prewitt.
CD | Single Artist
Trying to get friends to like this band I fell in love with, I aimed to include at least two songs from each album of their large discography. It was hard and fun, and I like it. Title from "Weightless …
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