
Member Since: 9/25/2002
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 45

Jackattack's Mixes

Jackattack's Favorite Mixes

Jackattack's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
while looking through mixes today i saw a BFF one and remembered i had this mix of all rarities and live songs that i put together a couple years ago with a friend of mine...it took us months to find a …
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
so after a spat of funny mixes i decided to make something 'serious' again...so of course i make an instrumental mix. i tried to strike a balance between many different genres, and i think it works pre …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this one's for jeff. this is all one cd. most of the bits are only a few seconds long, hence there is a shitload on here. there's little mini-themes between some songs and soundbites, but overall just  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
got the idea from good ol jeff, which he got from others. a very cathartic mix-making process i found. give it a shot everyone, it's a fun lil way to do a mix.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a quiet, folky, but diverse mix. i really like it. i tried to balance the big long heavy songs with shorter fun ones. the title means "together, right? together! this great name for love..." and it com …
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
i think i've blown a fuse, this mix is quite nuts. but oh how i love it. it's fun.
CD | Mixed Genre
so this is an all "acoustic" cd...i use the quotations because a couple extra instruments slipped in...strings on "these days," kelly joe tapping his guitar, car sounds on "anacortes...", ben folds on  …
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
it's fall, the air's cold today, and crisp, i feel happy, this is a happy mix. this feels like fall to me, bright, fun, slow, somber...all together.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
there is also a harp piece by vivaldi that floats in and out sometimes when margot tenenbaum is on-screen. bits and pieces of mothersbaush pieces also fade in and out, often just a couple instruments f …
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